Prepare Your Home For Winter

How to prepare your house for winter

1) Test your heating

As we transition from summer to winter, you’ll probably be re-acquainting yourself with your heating. Before the weather gets really cold, start to think about whether your radiators need bleeding, check that your boiler is working and dust off the vents/filters for maximum benefit. This will give you some time to make sure everything is still working before the days get too cold!


2) Service your boiler

Check that the pilot light is on and re-light it if necessary. Instructions on how to do this will be in the boiler manual, or on the side of the boiler itself. It may also be worth having your boiler serviced by a Gas Safety registered engineer. This will ultimately give you peace of mind, as leaking carbon monoxide is a risk at any time of the year.


3) Check your windows and doors

Through the summer you may have left windows on the latch for some fresh air. To save on your heating bill, do a quick whip round and make sure they’re shut tight ready for the colder weather. Also check whether there are any gaps in windows and doors so you can seal them and reduce droughts (and heating costs!).


4) Insulate your pipes

Insulating (or lagging) your pipes can reduce the loss of heating and also prevent them freezing and bursting.


5) Look after your pipes

As the cold weather sets in, the water in your pipes may freeze causing them to burst. Not only could this cause a lot of expensive damage, but it may mean you have to move out whilst the repairs are undertaken.

• Keep an eye on any cracks or holes that may appear in the outside walls that might let cold air make its way to your pipes. Seal up any gaps before they become a larger issue.

• Keep the heating at a low level (above 4°C) even when you’re away from the property, as this will help maintain a consistent temperature around the pipes.


6) Bleed radiators

After a few months out of action, you may find that your radiators are cold at the top and hot at the bottom. This normally means the radiator needs bleeding. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your heating (and money), test your radiators and bleed them as we transition into winter.


7) Use your heating timer

Using a timer for your heating can make sure your heating system runs smoothly, your house is a comfortable temperature and helps prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting.


8) Make sure your oil tank is topped up

If your property has an oil tank, make sure it’s topped up for winter. Doing so will help you avoid peak winter prices and make sure you don’t run out of oil through the colder months.


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